Number Day 4.2.2022

Today was the second time Applegarth has taken part in Number Day for the NSPCC. All classes enjoyed the book ‘How Many Jelly Beans?’ It was fabulous to see such a range of activities inspired by the book and using jelly beans to support the children’s learning (we might even have eaten a few jelly beans along the way!). We even estimated the number of jelly beans in the jar and gave out prizes to the winners and certifies to the most fabulous outfits.

In reception they were sorting colours and counting jelly beans.

In year 1 and 2 they were using the jelly beans to find arrays.

In year 3 and 4 they were using the length of a jelly bean to estimate the length of other objects.

In year 5 and 6 children were collecting and interpreting data. There was even some algebra, ratio and coding too!

Thank you to everyone who dressed up and donated to the NSPCC.


on “Number Day 4.2.2022
2 Comments on “Number Day 4.2.2022
  1. A brilliant range of work, everyone. I can’t wait to read the book when I come back. I’ve got my fingers crossed for the results of the TT Rockstars competition🤞

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