A huge thank you to everyone who supported our Macmillan Coffee morning today at school. We were inundated with fabulous cakes which went down a treat with families and friends who joined us in school. Our Year 6’s loved waiting on and serving our community:
“I really liked the coffee morning today because we raised lots of money and served lots of people. We all had a really good time.” – Olivia
“I quite liked this morning because it was nice to see people come into school and it’s really good that we raised a lot of money for Macmillan Cancer Support.” – Luke
“The coffee morning was a great experience and I wish to support school in raising more money in the future.” Fabia-Rose
Our staff excelled themselves with their Great Applegarth Bake Off. The cakes were stunning and earned lots of bids to support our fundraising. Children across school voted on their favourite cake, the winning cake was ‘Rainbow Cake’ by Miss Mutch – congratulations!
A special thank you to the local businesses who donated raffles prizes and cakes for the morning: Tesco, Betty’s, Grovers, The Works and Thomas the Bakers.
The Great Applegarth Bake Off 2022
It was wonderful to be able to come in for the coffee morning today, for the first time since the pandemic. The children behaved impeccably and clearly enjoyed playing their part. Thank you to everyone for organizing this – and also to Mrs Lowe for the beautiful piano music 🎹.