Macmillan Coffee Morning 29.09.2023

Wow! What a wonderful morning we have had in school today. Our Y6 pupils welcome parents, carers, governors and friends of school to join in with our Macmillan Coffee morning. The Y6 pupils worked hard throughout the morning ensuring everyone received plenty of cake and drinks refills.

This morning has all been in aid of a wonderful cause, Macmillan Cancer support. The coffee morning is Macmillan’s biggest fundraising event to support people living with cancer. Every donation made today will go towards this great cause. A huge thank you to our school community for coming together once again to raise awareness.

Some of our new reception children even enjoyed their Hot Chocolate Friday reward in the hall with Mr Peoples during this morning’s event.

As usual, our Macmillan Coffee morning played host to a friendly staff bake-off competition. Fantastic cakes made by staff at school were raffled off in a bid. Children across school came down to vote for their favourite cake -the winner will be announced later today!

Our coffee morning would not have gone ahead without a great team effort led by Mrs O’Toole which was supported by Mrs Low’s fantastic pianists.

We have received some wonderful feedback from visitors to this morning’s coffee morning:

“Lovely morning. Such fantastic service. Thank you!”

“A great morning. Lovely food and music.”

“Amazing staff! So attentive, helpful and kind. Wonderful children.”

“Very, very delicious!”

“Well done! A great morning x”

“Really good morning and great bakes. Thank you!”

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