Star of the Week – what does it mean to be kind?

Each week two children are chosen to be stars of the week in their classes.  In Key Stage 1 and Reception, these two children get to take a cuddly bee, penguin or puffin home for the weekend.  We are constantly amazed by the diary entries that are returned to school the following week which tell the story of what these animals have been up to and which are shared with the classes. We have been thinking hard about what it means to be kind and gentle and were delighted to find this entry last week.  Well done to all our stars of the week but particularly to April and her family for thinking so hard about what it means to be kind.


on “Star of the Week – what does it mean to be kind?
9 Comments on “Star of the Week – what does it mean to be kind?
  1. I am delighted that the discussion about kindness continued at home. It makes all the hard work preparation going certificates, organising voting and the time spent celebrating kindness worthwhile.

  2. I like the thought that kindness is a language that EVERYONE can understand and share with each other. A great contribution to the book!

  3. What an absolutely lovely diary entry April. You and your family have definitely shown that you really do know what kindness is all about.

  4. April what a though provoking statement: ‘kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see.’ I’ve never thought of it that way before. How true these words are.

    Well done April.

  5. I know that kindness is not just something you write about April. It shows in everything you say and do. What a great example for us all to follow.

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