Architect Dad helps us draw plans up for new playground markings

Two of our children, HL and JP,  came to Mrs Goodwin and asked if there could be some Times Tables squares and games on the school playground because:

  • all Year 4 need to have learned their Times Tables by the end of the year.
  • they thought that that some girls did not run around as much as boys so it would be a good way to encounter girls to be more active

Mrs Goodwin sent them off with the task of  investigating, designing and calculating the price their ideas.

They came back with drawings, prices and and Harriet’s dad drew up some real architect plans which show their ideas.

Watch this space for photographs of the new markings: a hundred square, a multiplication square, a Roman numeral hopscotch, a Times Table hopscotch and a 3 way hopscotch. 


on “Architect Dad helps us draw plans up for new playground markings
3 Comments on “Architect Dad helps us draw plans up for new playground markings
  1. The children have been considering their proposals for a few weeks now and responded to the requests for more information, costings, surveys from children to be completed etc.
    They bounced away every time and even got their parents involved. They are also looking at their own ways of funding their scheme by raising money. They are firstly going to take their proposal to our PTA in the hope they will contribute and ask for the Easter Disco fundraising money towards their improvement scheme.
    They would be sharing their plans whilst families are there in the disco for all to see.
    Well done to all our pupils who take the time to think about the improvements they would like to see in school but come to us as leaders with ideas of solutions at the same time!

  2. I am so proud of the children and their parents! A very big well done and thank you. I can’t wait to see the plans and hopefully the playground maths markings in action.

  3. It is wonderful to see that these pupils are showing so much initiative, enthusiasm and perseverance for a task which will benefit not just them but all members of our school. Future world leaders for sure!

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