Words words words!

Puffins and Penguins had a lovely time this morning learning a selection of new word games.  They were easy to learn and don’t need any resources or props so they’re perfect to play at home too – also brilliant for car journeys!

Here’s the list of the games we played today…


One person chooses a category (for example food/weather/school/cooking). Two children play against each other to come up with words linked with that category.  No repeats allowed!

 2. Name that Book

One person thinks of a line from a book. The other children need to guess which book it is from.

3. Rhyme It

One person thinks of a word, then the others take it in turns to see how many other words you can rhyme with it. Go for simple things like Mat, Rug, Log, Rake.

4.Who Am I?

You can include book, TV and film characters for this one. Decide who you’ll be, and the other player asks you questions to find out who you are.  Questions can only be answered with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

5.Tell Me About…

Make up lands together, where anything goes. So ‘tell me about…. Gooble Goo land, what does it look like there? What do people eat there? What games do the children play there? What do the homes look like?

6.The Alphabet Game

Choose any subject you like, and then take it in turns to name things alphabetically. For example, ‘food’, so we’d have A for apple, B for bread and so on.

7. When I Went To Market

Someone begins with ‘When I went to market I bought…(insert whatever you bought here) and then play passes to the next player for them to recite what you bought and then add their own on. It then continues with you each taking it in turns to recall the items purchased so far and add your own.

8. Word Chains

Say a word, then the next person has to say another word which begins with the final letter of the previous word. E.g zebra – apple – egg – goat.


One Comment

on “Words words words!
One Comment on “Words words words!
  1. I had to visit the blog today as the children had told me about the games they were planning to play this weekend!
    Nothing needed just some imagination and time with your child. They explained how to play a word chain game and then ‘coached’ me through it. Well done Puffins and Mrs Jackson.
    Our ‘Year of Words’ is starting already. Children are telling me the new words they are learning, trying to give a definition and then using it in a sentence.
    In September you will find out more ways of we at Applegarth are trying to ‘close the gap in vocabulary’. You can help us by spending time both talking and reading with your child.
    Why not start by playing one of these new game ideas.

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