Technology at Applegarth Primary School

The children and teachers at Applegarth Primary School are extremely fortunate to have a wealth of technology available to us in school.  The technology benefits teaching and learning in so many ways including presenting work in exciting ways, recording poetry, producing digital art and even assessing pupils’ fluency and expression.  Our amazing PTA have once again agreed to fund the school with fifteen more iPads.  A huge thank you to them from the teachers and the children for all their work raising money for the school.  Here are just a sample of ways the children benefit:



on “Technology at Applegarth Primary School
2 Comments on “Technology at Applegarth Primary School
  1. Mr Whiteley is spot on – we are SO grateful to the PTA for so kindly agreeing to fund the new iPads so that children across school can benefit in all areas of the curriculum. It is very much appreciated.

  2. I am so proud of our readers! Well done boys you read the narrative poem so fluently. I have to admit to learning quite a few interesting historical facts from your poetry reading. This MUST be shared in Tuesday’s celebration assembly!

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